Thanks for the words--was feeling kind of alone with a kid that excels in athletics, too. He is in competitive soccer, and also loves football. AT 10, it's hard to say which direction will drive him, especially since we won't let him play tackle football until middle school. While a skip could be OK for soccer (based on his ability to play Club and access to DA teams), a grade skip would be devastating in football--thus, my dilemma.

To answer another questions, our schools run 1-4 (elem), 5-6 (intermediate), 7-8 (middle), 9-12 (HS).

I'm not 100% sure what changed with him, but it's been like a light switch came on. The teachers are supportive--don't get me wrong. But he's really changed his opinions on learning and seems to want the challenge where he previously was OK with school being easier. I don't think it's really driven by teacher change, as this started over the summer.

FWIW, Our school GT program is really in its infancy. Right now, he's in a pullout program and they "cluster" the GT Kids. Honestly, the cluster doesn't really do anything except make the parent feel good, as the classwork is the same as everyone else. He loves the pullout program and teacher, as well as the freedom it provides to explore and do more self-directed and in-depth research. Orr district's GT program is introducing more structure to acceleration opportunities, but much of the implementation is set for next year. I know they are looking at paths for full grade acceleration, as well as partial subject matter acceleration (telescoping). Unfortunately, I'm a year ahead of their plan.

I am meeting with the school later this week, and trying to put my head around how I want to go forward. While a skip hasn't been offered yet, I can easily see this heading that direction as it'll be easier for the school to just move him up and be done with it. My son, when asked, just says he wants more challenging work and a class that goes faster--he doesn't seem to really care if it's in his current grade or not.

I'll let you all know how the meeting goes....