I'm untested but identify as high ability / high IQ / gifted. I have long history of mood related diagnoses. And current ADHD diagnosis.

I recently noted a link between my eating habits and my mood diagnoses. I started eating every 2 hours and haven't had mood / anxiety / severe cognitive problems .... unless I miss a snack. If I get to 3 hours without eating, my day goes to heck. If I wake up late, I've already crashed and angry, moody, depressed. I had been on stimulant medication for ADHD, but the appetite suppression became anorexia and then whatever mood issue it is became severe. (medication discontinued until sorting out the food/mood problem)

I've spent a lot of time wandering on scholar.google.com and I have more questions than answers! I have some medical and pscyhiatric appointments coming up to (hopefully) rule out anything severe/progressive, and clarify some disordered eating /food / mood relationships.

My question is if any adults here experience Postprandial syndrome or reactive hypoglycemia? And would be willing to share their experiences?

Last edited by sanne; 08/23/16 06:23 PM.