Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by aeh
A perspective I like includes looking at the mirror strengths of ADHD "deficits":


... Looking at mirror strengths has been helpful to a certain extent, but our neuropsych also cautioned about going too overboard on this track (which I know aeh wouldn't!) - our neuropsych's concern was triggered by the concept put forward in some literature that dyslexia is a "gift" because of those mirror strengths, and her concern was that it minimizes the reality that no matter how wonderful those mirror strengths may be, the person is still dealing with a very real challenge.

I agree with both of you.

We do a lot of "nuancing" work on this. "It's a disability when I... and then..." "but it's not a disability when..." Making the description situational helps a person see it in terms other than black and white-- disability isn't just in the person, it's in the person's interface with a particular context.

That's useful because it makes the disability not "a permanent problem with you" but rather more like "oh, in this context I have to watch out for ZYX because of ... ."