The best advice we got last year when we abruptly pulled our 11 yr old twins out of 5th grade (10 at the time)was to give them a break from schooling. Not to jump right in. Instead of reading and writing, my two were watching youtubes and Kahn academy (of their own choice) When we finally did start schooling after several months, we took it slow. We did some refresh work but I told them we would move fast...spend time going deeper on the subjects they enjoy and break up the stuff they didn't enjoy (language arts)with fun stuff. After every 6 weeks, we "huddle" and discuss what did and didn't work, what they liked and didn't like. We have changed things and I have to say it is looking different than I imagined but my kids are so much happier and less stressed than when they were in public school. Take it day by all will be ok. Best wishes.