Three ideas:

1) Make sure that you, as a parent, are well-informed
- SENG archived article: existential depression in gifted individials
- article on Davidson Database: Dabrowski's theory and existential depression in gifted children and adults
- article on Davidson Database: existential depression (includes reader's comments)
- brief youtube video: Dr. James Webb on depression in gifted kids
- book: Searching for Meaning: Idealism, Bright Minds, Disillusionment, and Hope

2) Consider the list of psychologists and list of professionals on Hoagies website.

3) SENG offers guidance in these articles:
- archived article: does your gifted child need professional help?
- archived article: tips for selecting the right counselor or therapist for your gifted child
- download: tips for selecting a mental health professional

Wishing you all the best!