Originally Posted by Wd33
Please help - very new to this. My second grade son recently took the cogat online version. This is the first year the district has used this test (before it was Raven) and it was wrought with issues (his class was rescheduled 5 times due to technical issues and even when he did take it, he told me that had to stop three times due to internet problems and they even had them run laps in the middle while they figured things out).

Anyway they ended up only giving 3 of the 9 subtests (one from each battery). Would that really give a valid result? It seems to me that only 50 some questions wouldn't be enough to have a statistical sample size.

They also will not release test scores. They simply sent home a letter (the last day of school) that said he did not score above 90th percentile and thus does not qualify for GATE. We asked for a breakdown of scores but they refused.

Does this seem odd? We really expected him to qualify based on classroom performance and teacher feedback.

I'm in the same district with a child that just finished the 2nd grade. At my kid's school we also got a letter on the last day of school with very little details. It included a CogAT score range for ability, whether or not an achievement standard was met and whether or not there were any special factors considered. Nothing mentioned what combination of scores were necessary to qualify.

Based on my very limited knowledge, I had the impression the screening form was meant to use wider cutoffs to identify a smaller group of students to then take the full test. I thought our district always used 98% for gifted and 99.9% for highly gifted, so I wouldn't think the screening form would be great at identifying the top 2% and especially the top 0.1%, but, again, I know very little.

On the subject of percentiles, it seems like based on your letter, the cutoff scores have changed. I wonder what they are now.