
I am new to the forum, but it seems like a great resource. Our son is 8 years old and just finished 3rd grade, but has been working a grade level ahead for reading, math and spanish for the last year and a half and basically acing those classes. He has been asking to complete the skip and just move ahead completely next year but the school seems opposed.

We just got his annual test scores through the private school he attends (this year was Terra Nova, for the first time) and his total battery was in the 98th percentile, although the reading score was lower than I would have expected as they administered a "common core" test and do not follow a "common core" reading curriculum so the kids were not familiar with some of the test material.

I have been starting to think some independent testing for him would be worth looking into, and wondered if anyone has any recommendations. We are in southern California (Orange County, specifically). Funds are tight and the couple testing options I have looked at seemed prohibitively expensive, but might be something we can work towards.

Any certain test to look for first? Cost-effective options? Any help would really be appreciated.



Last edited by th79; 06/21/16 04:52 PM.