We're about to make a second visit to a new school and I'm pulling together documents to share. (Have read quite a bit of advocacy information, ODS is a DYS so we've had to educate ourselves.) This is a public school with extended learning plans mandated by law.

We have
-Assessment reports for both kids (WISC and achievement).

-EXPLORE for the older one (which shows a mixed bag - very high in science, more middle of the pack in math, which is his highest ability score and in which he's been accelerated). I'm thinking we still share that -- along with the "ready for" information from the EXPLORE talent search report. But maybe someone not experienced with these tests would see the scores as an indicator to not keep him accelerated?

-FAST testing (which shows YDS already meeting the reading standards a year ahead of grade). His achievement testing also shows he's in the 80% plus range vs. kids a year ahead of him. Exception is math, but his K class was dismal in that regard. Assessment report shows good capability and that he will likely take off there with proper instruction.

Grade reports are my biggest concern. YDS was placed one grade level up in reading/language arts and has some Cs. He bombed one spelling test we didn't make him study for, had 90s and 100s on the rest. Not a big enough quantity to help his grade.

ODS has a B in math (91%) and a B in language arts (I think that's 89% - he had to take a test a week later than the class due to schedule conflicts. Is accelerated in that subject and the different grades were off on field trips/end of year activities. I can see the new school using this against him, but honestly can't see him repeating this grade.

The new school principal mentioned that they like to see accelerated kids at the top of the class. I'm guessing the grades might not meet that standard.

Less worried about YDS as he's going into first. ODS is in a tougher spot as the school will have to be creative to make anything work (due to elementary/middle school locations).

Does this all seem like a lost cause? I feel like we don't have enough data showing achievement to make the case to maintain accelerations or come up w/some other solution.