Originally Posted by Virginiamomq
I am hesitant to do this. My reasoning is that our daughter is perfectly happy doing grade level math and has not complained of being bored. I know she finds the work very easy but both she and I are okay with that as she’s very busy with sports, music and other activities. I really like that she’s enjoying being a child and don’t want her to feel any academic pressure at this age. She is very social and confident and part of my thinking is that right now I feel like she’s so in sync with her friends that I don’t want to rock the boat.

Your dd might continue to be just as happy, and find math just as easy, with the skip - so if she's not opposed to it, I'd give it a try.

On the flip side, if your dd is highly capable at math today, she will still be highly capable at math next year and the year after. Unless she's screaming for more, more, more, she's not likely to lose much ground by not subject-accelerating in early elementary, and she'll most likely have other opportunities to accelerate when she's closer to middle school.

Good luck with your decision,
