Originally Posted by aeh
My mother used to say something similar. She still feels like 2 hours of school a day is more than enough to keep pace, even for NT children. And I do have to say that typical public school home tutoring schedules pretty much confirm that--if a student is on home tutoring from the public high school, it is quite common for that student to receive two hours of tutoring time per week (maybe two hours twice a week, if they have a lot to catch up on, say, after a psychiatric hospitalization), and for the state to consider that equivalent to the 5x6.5 hours a week that everyone else is getting.

That is really interesting. It makes me wonder what could be changed to make the school days more about learning. As I look at our boys' schedules, I am struck by the short time on each subject daily, which doesn't ever seem enough time to truly get everyone settled in and working and asking questions, etc. I wonder what it would take to have longer periods on alternating days. Seems it would be much more efficient.