Hi there! I'm new here but have been reading threads on this board for a while. I had to join up to comment on this thread in particular. Our DS5 is not tested but is very bright. He has several "activity" fears as well like skating (ice is too slippery according to him) and some playground activities like climbing etc. He refers to these things as his "green eggs and ham" because he recognizes that he may actually like it if he can be courageous enough to try. We took him to a psychologist last summer and that was helpful for getting him to recognize when he has fallen into a "thinking trap".

As far as the attachment to things is concerned he is the most sentimental person I know. We recently ran into problems with our old, very ugly, blue toilet. When we told him we might have to replace it he actually cried. He worried what would happen to it and begged that we keep it in the storage room. He felt particularly attached to this special toilet because of all the "firsts" he had accomplished on it. Talking about strategies for saying goodbye to a toilet was unexpected! As it turns out the old thing could be fixed with a new hose so he can still do his daily business in his old friend. Can't wait until we decide to remodel the whole bathroom!

Last edited by HJA; 05/12/16 07:46 AM.