Hello, I'm a new poster. My 7yo daughter (1st grade, public school) was recommended her for gifted screening earlier this year by her teacher. The school counselor administered the KBIT-2 on Friday, and I haven't talked with him directly yet, but the paper that came home said her results were in the 99th percentile, so she is being referred for the full test. However, because of end-of-year time constraints on their school psych, they are suggesting that their SP intern administer the test instead.

Would you be comfortable with an intern doing the full-scale test (WISC, I think)? My DD can be hesitant in new situations, and also very sensitive to the mood/environment around her, so I'm somewhat worried that if he seems uncertain, my DD will pick up on that. And I'm just not sure whether his inexperience could be a detriment in other ways as well. He would have limited experience in test administration on the whole, and likely no experience in giftedness specifically. Then again, the counselor doing the KBIT-2 was also new, and that seemed to go well, so maybe I'm overthinking?

Also, I'm having a hard time finding data, but does the KBIT-2 generally correlate closely with the WISC? I don't have the breakdown on her score, just the 99th percentile, but she is a reading/verbal-heavy kiddo, if that matters.

Thanks in advance for any insight!