Originally Posted by Bostonian
I think you are getting too political -- and I probably share most of your political views.
My apologies, as I was not meaning to be political, just attempting to address the "international perspective on gap closing" which touted Finland's high PISA performance in light of the article in the Guardian which indicated a drop in Finland's PISA performance; The comparative country data on Economic Freedom over time seemed to provide insight into reconciling the two.

To the degree that public education is based in law and policy, by definition "politics" will always be involved, however I do not believe any country or political party has the optimal platform or viewpoint on the complete constellation or web of salient issues impacting public education. That said, I strongly believe that people are unique individuals with varying educational needs to be met, and I adamantly support parental rights, especially the right to provide a homeschool education to one's children, unfettered and outside of the control and data collection of the public school system.

There is an ironic tradeoff between things being provided "free" (without cost at point of service) and people being "free" (self-determining).