My DS is 8 and is grade skipped into third grade this year (skipped second grade). He was just tested with the WISC-V and Woodcock Johnson IV for TAG. He didn't qualify, but his teacher thinks he may in the future if we re-test him and it definitely confirmed that he's in the correct grade and the decision to skip a grade was a good one.

His WISC V Scores are:
Verbal Comprehension: 121
Visual Spacial: 105
Fluid Reasoning: 112
Working Memory 82
Processing Speed: 132
Full Scale: 117

My Dh and I are pretty confused how his Working Memory score is so low compared to his Processing that normal? He has a terrible memory at times, but can do complicated math problems in his head no problem. Conundrum.

Also, he has a bit of a "I'm super smart" attitude and we're not sure how seriously he took the test and how hard he really tried. Apparently he told the tester right off the bat that he was smart and skipped 2nd grade. Wondering if he assumes he knows everything without actually trying all that hard on the test.

I have no idea how to share his WJ scores since they make no sense to me, but we are surprised that he tested higher in basic reading skills then math which is where he's stood out in the last few years. He only needs to be shown a math concept once and he gets it, he's in the highest math group and still needs more of a challenge in our opinion. He's weakest in reading comprehension which his teacher thinks is because he goes too fast and assumes he knows everything which I think is pretty accurate. We've known he's an above average reader since kindergarten but it's been hard to get him to read anything other than non-fiction books with stats (things like the Guinness Book of World Records or video game manuals).

How can we help him improve his working memory? Is it indicative of anything else?