I'm an aspiring radio journalist/documentarian. Eventually, I hope to submit the piece to transom.org (a website that showcases public radio), Third Coast Audio Festival, and anywhere else I can find who accepts unsolicited submissions.

Right now I'm just focusing on putting this piece together--with the help of a friend, a producer who usually works in film and commercials--and concentrating on research, learning, and capturing people's thoughts and stories.

I have always had an interest in the subject of gifted. In school, was in gifted talented programs and, like for many students, the time I spent in my gifted classes were the highlight of my school career. As an adult, I have developed a more conflicted feeling about the programs and what they say about the current state of education, what we think about the nature of intelligence...It's a subject I want to explore and I think it could make an interesting documentary.

I always feel like I'm throwing a message in a bottle on the ocean on these forums, so thanks for your response!