I just got DS8's COGAT report and am confused by several things.

The report is blank for the Age Stanine, Grade Stanine and Grade Percentile Rank. Does this mean these weren't calculated or does the school just not want to share with parents?

Does anyone know how the ability profile is determined? It says his ability profile is 8A. Do local percentile scores play a part in the calculation?

His scores are:
Composite: 131 / 97% APR / 84%Local
Verbal: 127 / 95% APR / 88%local
Quantitative: 129 / 97% APR / 82%local
Nonverbal: 126 / 95% APR / 81% local

Does anyone know how the local percentiles are calculated (age based, grade based, something else)?

I also think his scores were hurt by the fact that he didn't answer 7 questions in the quantitative section and 3 in the nonverbal section. His processing speed on the WISC-V, although above average, is his weakest area. Unfortunately, the school only looks at the local percentiles when making GATE decisions.

Does anyone have any idea how much of an impact unanswered questions have on the results?

Any other thoughts/comments are also appreciated.