Hello -- My daughter was recently tested for a special gifted program at our school district. She is in 4th grade, and was given the CoGAT and the ITBS reading and math, both 6th grade level. The tests were hand-scored, not sent in for scanning.

On her ITBS math score, the chart we received says the following:

ITBS math standard score/percentile:
guaranteed placement: 236/95% or higher
consideration for placement: 255/94% or higher
your child's scores: 242/<94

Below that it says:
ITBS math total standard score/percentile:
guaranteed placement: 229/95%
consideration for placement: 249/94%
your child's scores: 234/<94%

Based on this, it says my child did not qualify for the program. She needs a 94% on this to qualify (she received a 99% on CoGAT and ITBS reading). I am not understanding these scores. In both cases, her standard score number is in between the standard score numbers for 94th and 95th percent. (236<242<255, and 229<234<249) I have reached out to the office who administered the test, but have yet to receive a response. Can anyone explain this to me? It's important, as it's the only score that keeps her out of this program. Thank you!!

Last edited by mom22gr8grlz; 04/28/16 07:40 AM.