Welcome to the forum! I would not get too attached to your new kindergarten curriculum. Yes, you will need to help your son learn certain kinder skills (like cutting and writing), but he will most likely be bored with the more academic stuff.

I would instead continue to follow his lead in what he wants to learn. When he expresses an interest in X, look for videos, books, museums about the subject. You can try strewing; basically, leaving books or items around the house to be discovered.

My 10yo son is also very intense and self-directed; he's been homeschooling since 3rd grade. I have generally had little success with most formal curricula with him, and I know a curriculum-in-a-box would be a huge fail (he is advanced in math, science, and reading, behind in writing). He loves to learn (what he's interested in) and hates to be taught. He watches a lot of videos, uses an enormous amount of duct tape and cardboard, and enjoys making messes. He has learned a lot this year, although mostly stuff that isn't on a typical 5th grade curriculum.