I guess I am confused about what is seen as the benefit of withholding scores from a person. It seems like keeping them secret somehow creates the sense that they are to be ashamed of. If we go back to the sports analogy, people tend to know if they are good at sports, if they are the fastest runner or the best goalie. They tend to know if they are tall or pretty. There are contests for music and art. All of these give you a sense of what you are good at and where your strengths lie. I guess I don't see why intelligence should be treated differently.

Certainly, we don't want to create kids who are cocky and rude, but I think some of those obnoxious behaviors are more likely to arise in a child who feels insecure or confused. A kid who has an idea of his strengths and weaknesses and some insight into how his brain works may actually be less likely to cause those problems.