The way you describe your daughter it sounds like early entry is a very good option for her. 6 weeks will not matter one way or the other.

I am a fan of early entry as a form of acceleration because it is so nicely inobtrusive and reduces a lot of the "weirdness" factor that others feel about grade skipping. Somehow going through the normal progression of grades, even if a bit early, appears to be so much more palatable to educators, other parents and other kids alike. And those early "get them in the mood" activities, all that colouring and tracing and counting is so much more palatable to the younger, academically advanced kid, fun, not crazy-making, and hopefully segueing into actual academics as soon as she feels done with it.

DS9, a late fall kid, was born 2 weeks after the cutoff (should have been 8 weeks because he was born somewhat premature, but you're not supposed to correct for prematurity after a certain age, which kind of proves the point - a few weeks here or there will not matter if the child is otherwise clearly ready and academically advanced) and was entered early, with the support of all educators involved. DS9 was NOT socially savvy and had a number of sensory issues, but grade school actually worked better for him than preschool in that respect, more structured, more intellectual stimulation as opposed to social stimulation, calmer kids. Even though by the end of second grade he would have been academically ready for another skip, we did manage to avoid that one - he wanted to stay with his friends and there has been a lot of social growth which we feel has been beneficial to achieve before the transition to middle school. We do hope that the gifted programming in middle school that will start this fall will help with addressing the by now huge academic gap. We might send him a year abroad between sophomore and junior year in high school (he would not get credit for stuff he did abroad so that choice would be the equivalent of a grade correction) or he could do a gap year after graduation at 17, or go to university and be a minor for a few weeks, none of it really is a big concern.

I'do it again in a heartbeat. DD has an august birthday and I kinda wish she'd had a late fall or winter birthday too...

Last edited by Tigerle; 04/12/16 11:31 PM.