Loy58, my son read at an early age also and continues to be a voracious reader of anything he can find. I'm glad to hear your DD has taken off in math! It sounds like there is hope of the gap narrowing? He has this perception that he is "not good" in math mostly for the same reasons you describe, sometimes to the point of avoidance, yet my husband and I are both professionals in math/science related fields.

ConnectingDots, I agree that there may have been a lack of exposure to some concepts. My DS's score in math was still lower than english on the SCAT (which was also high) but his math score wasn't as low. It will be interesting to see the percentiles 4th grade in math next month.

I looked at the prealgebra pretest on AoPS and I think it would be good for him to do a little brushing up prior to taking that course. Has anyone used the 5th grade texts?