Just wanted to post for all those families that feel like they are going in circles. Your efforts do eventually pay off. We have been on a rollercoaster with our twins for almost 4 years now. We got some answers we needed last year (large part due to AEH !!!). We found a neuropsych in our area that does not actually specialize in gifted kids but rather learning disabilities. We had seen 3 neuropsychs but it wasn't until the 3rd one where the doctor opined a concern of stealth dyslexia. We waited for 15months to get into this doctor. She focused on our concern about the differences between the IQ and achievement tests and the previous school suggesting adhd. She ran tests none of the other docs did.. Come to find out, both girls have signficant dyslexia and one also has dysgraphia. She showed us all the areas where this was demonstrated..not just one test but several. The school kept saying it was adhd, never offered to do testing until we just pulled both girls out suddenly. It wasn't adhd that was causing the spelling problems,or the writing problems. We knew that in our hearts but didn't have the data to prove it. Now we do. So if you ever feel like just throwing in the towel, just hang in there and keep trying. I am so grateful for all the resources on this board because I was ready to just accept a PG kid not being able to spell was in fact adhd. So glad I kept trying and advocating. Best wishes to you all.