My mom tells the story of the time my K class left the room, so I came back to an empty classroom--a trailer, even, outside of the regular school buiding--by myself. I apparently cried about it because I didn't know what to do, and she second-guessed her choice to have me accelerated.

I don't remember this happening, but I do remember very clearly enjoying my reading class and my time with the older kids. Obviously it wasn't the trauma she thought it was, though it was obviously a stress on me at the time.

That's my way of agreeing with acs: good planning makes all the difference to a kid. smile

If someone had come to my class to tell me where to go that day, I'm sure the change of plans wouldn't have bothered me a bit. But confusion is hard on kids that age. They need to know what's going on. So anticipating those wrinkles and smoothing them out as much as possible is really a smart move.
