It depends on what you were hoping to see, but it still sounds like he did really well -- remember it's against 8th graders, and you'll know more when you compare to other kids in the gifted pool. I thought it was interesting to see how the 8th grade numbers compared later to the talent search grade levels. DS's science reasoning was his strongest, and he said he learned some new things from it.

If it's any consolation, my DS got that same math score, even though he had 3 DYS qualifying scores, and it was his lowest score. Average for math among 8th graders was 15.5, and among the gifted 4th graders average was 14.1 (according to ACT).

In the interpretation guide, it came to the 87th percentile against 4th graders in the talented pool, 66th against 5th, and 39th against 6th graders. He said he left two unanswered in math -- that's always where he gets stuck, timed math. But it's even more clear to me that he's not getting sufficient extension instruction in math (as if his complaints aren't enough), particularly compared to the 6th grade talent pool. So I found that valuable!