DD is scheduled to take the WISC-V and the WIAT-III tomorrow afternoon. A little background: My daughter is currently enrolled in a school which has been great for her, but it only goes through elementary. We are sure she is gifted, but aren't sure _how_ gifted she is. Our main goal with testing is to help us figure out what to do next. Qualifying for DYS would be a bonus.

Well unfortunately, my daughter has come down with a cold today. She isn't running a fever, but she's congested and coughing a bit. I called the psychologist with the intention of postponing the test, but she said that she gives tests to kids with colds all the time and it shouldn't matter. However, I'm not so sure.

Any opinions?

Last edited by RoyalBlue; 04/13/16 09:42 AM. Reason: Removed Identifying Information