YDS will be assessed at a reputable clinic right after he turns 6. Based on our older son's assessment, I'm thinking (but need to confirm) this will include the WISC, maybe the WIAT (sp?) and also some achievement testing. We're starting to wonder if the fact that he's not been in an enriched school environment will make the testing less valuable. ODS was so much further along, achievement wise, at that age, but he was also spending his days somewhere he could move pretty much at his own pace. He was doing multi-digit multiplication and division, knew geography, lots of science facts, etc.

YDS has been in a nice, but not differentiated K (we're recently figuring out some promised challenging work is not being provided). So while he's reading large chapter books (Big Nate, Diary of a Wimpy Kid), as well as books on whatever interests him, he's not had the opportunity yet to advance say in math like his brother had by now. (That said, he's picking up concepts like half of a number as soon as it is explained to him.)

I'm probably rambling, but the gist is, we are worried the assessment, particularly any achievement portions, won't reflect potential.