…and wondering what I need to do to prepare my DS11, if anything. I know to make sure he gets a good night sleep, eats properly etc., and the test is on a Monday (which is hopefully a good thing since he's had a weekend to unwind) but the first time he was tested privately, he had a lot of anxiety even though I was seated right next to him. All I had told him at that time was that the test was to help us figure out how he learned best, but that it wouldn't affect anything at this time, but might come into play when he went to middle/high school. The second time was a couple of weeks later and it was a group test through the school and I was worried about him getting nervous about it and didn't tell him about it… and that time he didn't do well on the test - but that may reflect on the type of test not being a good fit for him and not his state of mind. Since both tests, he has been treated for his second e and is doing much better.

Is there anything else I can do to prepare him for the reassessment? I know he will be tested individually with a comprehensive test which is what he needs. Please note I am not asking about prepping him because a) that's not what I want- I want an accurate score and b) that's cheating anyway. I'm asking about what should I tell him about it? I don't want him to be nervous, but it is important that he does as well as he can because we won't get another chance after this. I did tell him a few days ago that the school would be giving him another test similar to the one the private tester gave him and I didn't want him to be surprised about that. If he doesn't test HG this time I don't want him to think badly of himself, he is the same kid, but I also want him to take it seriously. Then again maybe I'm nervous so I'm overthinking this whole thing… my inner control freak can't stand the wait! PS I do know I should not seem nervous about the test in front of him.