If it's narcolepsy, then he'll likely fall asleep in one class or another now and again even if he manages his sleeping/napping schedule very well unless his condition is mild and/or he responds perfectly to meds. I would advise that you include a provision to not wake him unless he needs to move out of his seat for the next class. I would also get him permission to use the elevators at will, leave class to walk around the hallways as needed and get drinks whenever he wants. You don't want him forced to navigate crowded stairways when he is groggy and walking around and drinking water can help him regain alertness at crucial times. I am not sure whether vitamin B6 will help in his case, but it helped DS and other patients with sleepiness symptoms (due to medication to treat neurological disorders other than narcolepsy) although neurologists don't know exactly why it helps. We combined a stimulant with B6 to counteract sleepiness/drowsiness due to other medical conditions, including epilepsy and the meds necessary to treat it.