Originally Posted by MariaJB
How do you reconcile the test results and the high performance of a child? Is this poor test taking? What can I do to help her be challenged in school with or without the GT program? Have you experienced this before?

The CogAT has a bad rap in gifted circles as a poor instrument for identifying gifted kids, but it's one that's widely used because it's a group test and easy to use. I believe the test format changes -- I think it's a picture test for the youngest, then has words in maybe 2nd grade, and speed will be a factor for kids who are slow processors.

If your district accepts outside scores, the results of an IQ attest like the WISC would probably be more reliable than a second administration of the CogAT.

FWIW, my older child is PG and a DYS but was excluded from our previous district's gifted program on the basis of CogAT scores the first time she took it. The second time she took it she was >99% across the board. One child, two massively different scores--kind of ridiculous.

Here are some older threads about the CogAT: