My brother's kindergarten teacher gave his class the "draw a person" test on the first day of school. Then she realized a couple of weeks later that she had not read all the directions, so she gave it again. At his first parent-teacher conference, she told my mother that he had regressed about five years during his first two weeks of school. eek

His person on the first day of school, was in profile, with one eye visible, a nose, mouth, and hair. He had five fingers on each hand, and recognizably different thumbs from the fingers. By two weeks in, my brother had learned to camouflage, and his man was a egg with arms and legs like everyone else's. It made me realize that these tests are not 100% reliable! (This is the same brother who "tricked" his IQ tester a couple years later by figuring out that if he intentionally answered a few questions wrong, she would go on to the next part of the test.)