My eldest took AP US History with CTY --- for 2 weeks. It was a horror: read the chapter and memorize it, take multiple choice quiz, lather, rinse, repeat weekly for nine months. He dropped it like a hot potato just in time to get our money back.

This was 3 years ago. I don't know if they've changed it, but if they haven't, I recommend against this course. My impression was that most of the AP CTY courses weren't worth it (we also looked at physics). They claimed that their instructors were incredibly amazing, but "instruction" in the history course was roughly 1% of it, if that. Interaction with the instructor was limited to an online chat room (once a week? Less often?) that didn't amount to much. The "writing" assignments were structured like this: "You have 40 minutes to type your answer to the question. No materials allowed. Click START to begin."

I majored in history, have a good friend who's a historian, and even published a paper. I can assure you that historians do not churn out papers written in 40-minute chunks (no information sources allowed).