My 2e DS is on the waiting list for school AT - he supposed to be getting a chromebook sometime soon. He dragged my old laptop back and forth for a while but it was just too heavy so now he just uses it at home and uses one of the class's chromebooks (admittedly it is an old heavy laptop).

Our school has everything on google so even when he is using the laptop he is going through his google account.

Specs I would care about are
- weight - assuming he is going to be transporting it back and forth and depending on what age your school system starts having kids move from class to class
- durability - I'm actually kind of amazed that my laptop survived what I can only assume he put it through
- battery life - one of DS's biggest complaints about the laptop is that it didn't last the day and it was a big pain to have it plugged in (his class has all of the desks in the middle of the room far from any outlets).

I'm sure there are more but that would be my starting point.