Hi, I have been trying to get my N.D. public school to work with me on getting my 2nd grader more skill appropriate class work. I have never had him tested for being "gifted". I honestly don't like that term because I think most children have gifted potential. My son is testing at 4-5th grade in math and 5-6th grade in reading. I started having conversations with his teacher and principal at the begining of first grade about challenging him at math in particular. I was told the school could do nothing for him until 3rd grade. Well next year is 3rd grade and I'm hoping you folks out there can help me with my year end conversation with the school on what they are going to do to help him. I worry he isn't learning how to work through challenges because everything he does is school is too easy for him. He is perfectly content doing great without having to try. I have been making him work at home but the kids smart enough to grumble I thought this is what I go to school for. He's got a point I really can't argue with. I'm afraid of making him hate math. He's always been the kind of kid who thrives on approval and works way harder to gain his teachers than his moms. Mom is just being mean and demanding. I have considered home schooling but I don't think that would be good for him plus I think he's going to outpace me in math in a few years. I'd appreciate any suggestions that will help me and the school to see eye to eye on my sons education before I have another conversation with them.