DS is 7.5

We did share the Wiat results in the first week of school. I was really on the ball at first and then I just feel like its massive amount of effort for 1 child when i have 2 others that have their own needs as well. The school seems to step in when their are speech or social issues but no luck when you want to work ahead. And its not just work ahead its more like please don't let my child quit and stagnate and be labelled inattentive.

Im tired of hearing that he doesn't listen. He does listen. He just also THINKS a lot. ITS his favorite activity as per him.

His brother has been playing chess for a few months so we all went to the chess tournament. This inattentive kid of mine bought a chess workbook and sat in silence diligently reading and answering the questions for a solid 30 min on his own accord, while all the other boys including my other son who fits right in at school ran around not listening to the adults who asked them to calm it down.

Sorry for the vent. SOOOOOOO frustrated that my opinion of my own child is being ignored.

Part time homeschooling is the firs thing I asked for and it was a no. The boys are twins and it makes all options just a bit more stressful. Both very bright. But Ds2 should be well served with traditional gifted programming in school.