
I think I'm overthinking this so have come for advice. DD8 has just started year 3 in Australia. She's MG with a FSIQ of 138, very even cognitive profile, overall high achievement. Overall doing extremely well. She's been allowed to move ahead in maths by about 2 years last year (would be happy doing more) and this is essential for her happiness - we tested her in the first place because we knew she was mathy and she was irritable and disengaged. She's at the top of her year (about 100 kids) for literacy based tasks but exceptional with maths/science and generally presents as enthusiastic and engaged.

However, her teacher last year said that there was general resistance within the school to subject acceleration and that even though he'd make it clear that she needs it, it was, to some extent, up to the individual teacher to provide it.

So, I've met the teacher, who seems nice and DD has settled in quite well. How long do I leave it before I email her or should I give it a term so she can get to know DD? DD doesn't want to repeat stuff she's already done. The school does offer G and T pull outs but it's not enough - my older DD was part of it but she still asked DD8 when she got stuck.

And what should I say?

Dear -

My daughter seems to have settled nicely into your class. As you are probably aware DD8 has been working 2-3 years ahead in maths and we've found that her enthusiasm for school work is enhanced when she's challenged in her area of strength. I appreciate that it's important you make your own assessment of her, but if you agree that year level maths is insufficiently challenging then I know she'd thrive with harder work.

I'm happy to have a phone conversation or chat about this at any stage.

Yours sincerely,


Is that a bit too "stiff"? I don't want her thinking I'm "that" parent.