That's my DD11 as well. She once went on a summer camp field trip to a pioneer village where they visited an old-fashioned dental office. The staff member started to describe some of the instruments and what they were for - DD started to feel ill. Camp staff called me - we had no idea what was happening, so they called for an ambulance. But we did learn one thing - there is a medical term for this: Vasovagal syncope

DD still has anxiety about going to the dentist - to the point where I now can't get her to go for a cleaning.

Pemberley - that is so cool that your DD would watch that show! Excellent exposure therapy! I wonder if there is a similar show for dentistry??

Edited to add: My father also has this reaction. When I was a kid, one time I was at emerg. for an accident and the doctor had to get me off the exam table so that my father could lay down on it!

Last edited by Can2K; 01/29/16 06:53 AM.