While looking up some info on the EXPLORE test that's ending this year, I saw that the new test being rolled out for use in Talent Searches, including Belin-Blank Center BESTS program, is called "I-Excel" and is computer-based. (link) (If you ask me, the name is too close to MS Excel and IXL.)

I'm curious if anyone here is familiar with it, maybe through pilot testing. I'm curious if it's timed and whether kids can go back through to change answers (unlike MAP), like they can with EXPLORE -- do the easy ones first, go back to harder ones, my kid likes to jump around a bit.

Seems so different to switch from paper testing, how will it compare to ACT in a few years (as a practice method, not just for instruction placement)? Wonder if the ACT is going to remain paper-based going forward.

And I wonder if it'll ever affect DYS entry the way EXPLORE does. Not that I'm assuming it'll benefit us, just thinking of the rest of the GT community. Are any other Talent Searches switching to this test?