I cannot believe that both responses are just so spot on!!! I love this forum.

polarbear, Symbol Search was the only one he scored higher on the first test in April (it was 15, and now a 10). I was wondering what could have caused that. I have noticed him rubbing his eyes occasionally, and wondered about it. I have not thought too much about it until just now! I will need get his vision checked!

MHID, These are the exact two concerns we have "subtly" raised with the school via a formal email last week, and are going to be meeting them today regarding the same things.
1. possible prejudice about the child or the second test results or the private psychologist (who is certified and has an experience for over 30 years)
2. Twin 1 and Twin 2 now have similar IQs. KTEA-3 academic assessment in April were very very similar for the 2 boys.

I hope they don't backtrack now on Twin 1's eligibility?!