As mentioned on another post, DD10 (accelerated one year)is in 6th grade and struggling socially. The worst thing (for me) is to hear her talk about eating by herself. Ugh, ugh, ugh. The other painful fact was hearing about girls calling DD "annoying." That's a stab through the heart.

So - I had a meeting with the AG teacher yesterday who I just love. She is why we are at the school! She took notes about the situation, mentioned that a girl who was grade skipped last year is just like DD (snarky with a heck of a lot to say), but is doing much better in 7th grade, and then she came up with a lunch program. She has several going on for kids who just aren't great at making friends. The AG teacher figures out what their passion is and then gives them and a few others with the same interest a project to do at lunchtime. The kids have no idea they are part of a "project." The lunchtime group should begin next semester (in a few weeks). I am very happy about this! She also recommended talking to one of DD's teachers who she felt would be a help for DD.

Next I left messages for several psychologists who were either recommended or sounded good on paper and take our insurance. I ended up talking with 2 who also said the right thing on the phone. One even has a "trial period" situation in which she meets with the parents, meets with the kid 2 or 3 times, and then has a meeting with all to discuss fit. Both psychs. discussed the social aspect of giftedness which was promising.

That is where we are today. The psychs. don't have an available spots right now so we are to call them back in a couple of months.