DS12 (high functioning ASD, anxiety, some depression and ODD) has not been interested in much for the last few months. This is coming to a head over the holiday break. Despite having a reasonable number of new toys, books, games, etc., he is spending the break moping around.

My wife and I have tried to engage him on countless occasions and he says "no" to 98% of what we suggest. He doesn't want to see people, go anywhere or even leave the house. He's also been sad, but can't say why.

If we tell him that the family is going somewhere, he will usually have a screaming meltdown. Not always, but he has. For the last couple of weeks we're avoided those by being accommodating, but we (especially my wife) are at wits end.

The symptoms sound like depression. He was on Prozac but it didn't work for him, and is now on other meds.

I'm looking for advice. Not necessarily things to do because he will just say no. Instead, strategies for approaching this kind of thing.

For instance, is this a normal phase in puberty? Should we wait it out? Should we just drag him somewhere and let what happens happen? Currently we are not doing things that we would normally do as a family because of this.

We will be seeing his psych in a couple of weeks. Until then, any thoughts? Thanks.

Last edited by BSM; 12/31/15 05:48 AM.