I don't know if my son is MG, HG or HG+. He's been good in the playbased preschool he is in now because there are 3 highly qualified teachers in the room that truly engage with the kids. They get that he's a unique child that needs some help with some sensory processing issues (he's a sensory seeker...needs to touch everything, moves quickly, doesn't have great body awareness) and they've forged a connection with him so he doesn't do the attorney style negotiating everything with them or the defiance because he thinks he is always right. He plays most of the time and works on social skills in a group setting. His teachers make him feel safe and loved and they are there for him when he struggles. Academically I can't say he's learning much -- he mastered all their goals 2 years ago.

To clarify on the CPS school, (assuming he tests well again) he would go to one of the dedicated gifted or classical schools. I am not that familiar with them and don't know anyone who currently sends their kids there, but I do know that something like 7 of the best performing schools in Illinois are actually CPS schools (albeit selective enrollment.) I am assuming that most kids who go there are MG, HG, or PG and the teachers therefore are more experienced with the idiosyncrasies of gifted kids. He'd be with alot of bright kids and I'm wondering if he'd thrive there, be challenged and not get as bored.

Barrington is a very good school district with high standards. I think I'm sceptical because of so many comments like "you know, you are probably going to have to home school him."

For school I'm leaning towards the city. For quality of home life I'm leaning towards Barrington.