Hi all,
I am hoping to get some advice here concerning some extremely surprising and disappointing news revealed yesterday.
My son is in 2nd grade right now and has been homeschooled since Kindergarten. He really had an unfortunate experience with his public school kindergarten teacher that we had to withdraw him. He would scream and cry to not go to school, was bored to tears during class and to this day he "hates school". I slowly got him to think a bit more positive since his kinder days...but it's been years yet he still is "scarred" from that teacher he had.
He took a G/T test before we withdrew him when he was 5, and he scored in the 99th percentile. We didn't enroll him because we temporary moved out of district. We now live in the district and decided this school would be best for him since he is "unique" and we know this school caters to each individual child and their educational needs. He learned to read at 2.5 and learned simple math at 3. I mention this to illustrate how flabbergasted I was reading he didn't get into the local G/T program this time around.
He again scored in the 99th percentile with the NNAT2, a cognitive ability test. Unfortunately, he scored only 90th percentile in the reading and math achievement test, so was 6 points away from qualifying.
That part is MY FAULT. There has been personal issues here and I've been behind in homeschooling him, yet he learns so fast I know he can catch up.
My question is what can I use to be granted an appeal so he can retake this test in April? He was diagnosed with Asperger and sees a play therapist weekly. He has sensory issues, and isn't used to tests. His tolerance is also very low for reading...he's a STEM kid so to speak. When he was in kindergarten the test was taken in 2 parts throughout the year...this time he had to sit down for 3 Hours straight..no breaks.
I know he belongs in this G/T school...his older siblings (who honestly didn't achieve his level of milestones as early) attended this G/T school. My son needs the structure, social life, and academics that the school can provide him. I know he'll strive.
My son wasn't prepared emotionally or academically for the test. I didn't know it was 3 hours long or I would have prepared him for it. I also know he can fly through reading and math levels in no time. It was achievement test he scored lower on..he has always been 99th percentile in the cognitive test which I think matters more. He only needed 6 points more.
Any advice what I should say to be granted this appeal?