DS6 is a complicated little fellow. He is HG and we are currently looking into whether he is also ASD and/or ADHD. He has so much desire to be social and interact with other kids, but he lacks in the skills of how to do it. Last night he brought some books home from school, and in one was a form to fill out "What I wish my teacher knew . . ." and he said he wished she knew how sad it made him when he has no one to play with on the playground, and could she help him find some friends to play with.

Today is his last day of school for the year, and I paid a bit more attention to him on the playground when I dropped him off and before the morning bell went. Some kids were playing tag or chase or something, and he was running around trying to play too, and he was getting rejected. He had this big smile on his face as he tried to get someone to chase him, and the girl just turned her back on him. Then he just kind of had a bemused look on his face, and the bell went. On a normal morning I would probably just glance and see him running around and think all was well. He doesn't open up to me very much about things that go on at school. Occasionally he will mention something about not having many friends or having his feelings hurt. I asked him last night how he felt things were going on the playground and he said not great. He is accelerated a year and switched schools this year, so he was joining a new class and he is 1-2 years younger than his classmates. So I think overall he is doing well, and we are very proud of him. But I guess he is struggling socially. Anyway, I came home and cried. I know life can't be smooth all the time, but it is so hard to watch!