I'm not sure the wording, but I definately think it's a good idea for the child to advocate a little for themselves at the right age.

DD8 did that last year with her teacher, but she had a really good relationship and the teacher was WAY above average as teachers go. Had it been a different teacher, I'm not sure I would have let her do that in second grade.

I don't know the answer, but I feel your pain! I felt that DD8 was very well accomodated last year. Then, this summer she told me she used to put the restroom pass on her desk when she was bored and go sit on the toilet in the girls room for periods of time. I felt horrible when she told me this. On the other hand, at least she came up with a coping mechanism that didn't make her into a "disruptive" student.

So, Ania, you are on the road again? I am envious of all your travels!