Wanna include me in the p.m.?

Jessica, we're also in the Chicago suburbs. I "third" the CTD classes; my 6yo ds KG did a math one this spring and had an absolute blast. The Center for Gifted out of National-Louis University also has enrichment classes, though we haven't tried those. One of KG's friends did one over the summer, though, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

As for us, KG did public K at a suburban Chicago public school, and it didn't go well -- the principal and administration were sure that their GT program, geared for MG kids, would have him covered, but it wouldn't have (he's 4th-5th grade reading and somewhere between third and fourth for math, with gaps here and there due to no formal instruction).

He's switching to one of the private gifted schools in the suburbs for first grade. I honestly haven't heard of any gifted public schools in the suburbs, though I know the city has a few; we are *not* willing to move into the city! I have also heard great things about Prairie Crossing charter school in Grayslake but have no first-hand experience whatsoever with that school. I do know they had a decent waiting list when I looked into them.

Get me in on the PMing! smile
