I have read that sometimes when teens spend all their youth finding tasks easy, that when they are finally challenged, they sabotage themselves by not working for a good result.
My daughter, aged almost 16, is experiencing this in two areas. 1-in language arts-she is a talented math/science student, and scores very high in non verbal ques. But in Language arts, she doesn't apply. She's in a gifted level class for world lit. I'm going to have to hold her hand to get her through this class with a B.
2-in ballet out side of school. She has been dancing for 12 years, and we just moved to a school that will give her a chance to perform more on stage-something she has always wanted. But she feels like she isn't as good as the other girls, who all have years more performing experience, and is skipping rehearsals-pretty much guarantying that she will not be prepared for her performance.
Its like she is finally getting what she wanted and the chance for success is scaring her, so she is not trying hard, so that when she makes a mistake on stage, she can brush it off like she doesn't care. Because if she tried hard, and acted like she cared, and then made a mistake, she would be embarrassed.
I'm looking for advice to motivate, and to help her at this age to take responsibility for herself.