This board contains some of the best minds on children's testing, so I have a few questions.

My just-turned five year old was tested on the baseline test for reception aged children (4's and 5's). Scores removed for privacy.

How useful are these numbers in helping us decide about a future skip? What are the chances that his performance won't remain as strong in the future?

The teacher suggested using the test for the next year up as an end of year test, rather than repeating this one. I really like that idea (especially helpful in advocating a skip later, if necessary). Can I argue (if necessary) to the administrators that he's so close to the ceiling/at the ceiling with these numbers?

Are we making a mistake by not advocating for a skip now? Our boy is happy, somewhat challenged (at least in writing), has a wonderful teacher who wants to help him grow, fits in socially, and loves playing at school.

Last edited by DianaG; 03/06/16 06:08 PM.