8th grader has the following (old) test results.

3rd grade Cogat: 116 composite, 7th stanine 84%-ile

4th grade WISC-IV: 102 FSIQ (VC=108, PR=102, WM=99, PS=88).
WIAT, avg results, except math=134 (math problem solving was >99.9%)

5th grade Cogat: no SES given on report, 9th stanine, 98th%-ile

I'm puzzling over them as we try to figure out the best high school environment for him. We had him evaluated in 4th grade because he was placed in a low math group that year, and had a history of struggling with reading/writing. To us and at least a few teachers he'd had prior to 4th grade, he was very gifted with math and chess. It was clear to us since he was a toddler. Anyway, diagnosis came back with mild-ADD and dysgraphia. IQ suggested he wasn't "bright" after all. Yet somehow he scored near the top of the charts on math problem solving on the WIAT achievement test.
Then came 5th grade, when his CoGats improved a lot(I thought they were supposed to be pretty stable, and also correlated with IQ?).

In middle school he's done well - in the A/A-/B+ range and is the top math track.

The reason I am revisiting these confusing test results is because we want to put him in a high school environment that will work for him. He would like to go to a specialized school for math, it draws many gifted kids. I don't want to sell him short but also don't want to put him in an environment that will be hard for him to keep up if he really has a very average IQ.

Not sure what to make of the testing results and how they might guide educational decisions at this point. Results seem contradictory. Any thoughts?