I need some IEP advice. Could I make an iep accommodation (or SDI or whatever) that DS's teacher can not call on him if he is not raising his hand? As I have already posted in this thread: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....istrict_Transfer_for_a_C.html#Post224780 , DS' math teacher is calling on him constantly and he chokes b/c he is embarrassed and simply has not processed the all the information (his words!) as he has very low processing speed.

She is targeting him every day by calling on him when his hand is not raised because she *thinks* he is not paying attention; so, she is exposing him to unwanted and, imo, degrading attention in order to manipulate/control him into “paying attention.” She is also, according to DS and the other students, putting him up as an example as "what happens to kids who do not pay attention."

He may or may not be paying attention but he is not disrupting the class. His grades are fine ... He usually process the instruction in time and when he is doing the homework , etc. There is a saying “If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” In this case, I say “if a child isn’t engaged by the way we teach, maybe we should teach in a way that will engage him.” Honestly, if she is really trouble by her perception that DS is not paying attention to her class, try teaching in an engaging way. I can guarantee if you are in engaging DS will be engaged. Shaming him and subjecting him to degrading attention is not going to engage, it’s going to have the opposite effect.

We have a meeting tomorrow about this and about a number of other problems I have with this teacher. It is only with the resource teacher, principal, bad math teacher and DH and I. So I am also wondering do I need to make it an IEP meeting?

Last edited by Irena; 11/04/15 11:19 AM.