Originally Posted by Dottie
We filled out the CTY press release paperwork...and yes, even though our experience was overall positive, the resulting article was NOT what I'd intended, and misinformation abounded. Some of it in " "'s by my name too, whistle .

I guess this is what I meant by "sensationalize". If the parents had a chance to proof something before it went to print, the facts may be stated differently. Sometimes it might be easy for someone without any knowledge of the GT world to jump to conclusions. As someone not knowing anything about GT not incredibly long ago, it is easy to jump to conclusions! For every one of these kids you do see, there are a lot more under the radar. These kids are unique and rare, but probably not as rare as portrayed by the media.

I just think it's a shame this school couldn't get their story straight before Colin and his mother were ready to move. Not every college set up is going to work well for a 12 year old, but you would hope they would have a policy in place for young students.

Last edited by kimck; 08/10/08 04:04 AM. Reason: not awake yet!